Best and Worse Debt To have: Student Loan Debt We all know that Student Loans represent one of the main ways in which students pay for their higher education. It has become a fact of life in the American higher education system, but sadly the … [Read more...] about Best and Worse Debt To have: Student Loan Debt
US Student Loan Center
Repayment Plans Could Cost Student Loan Borrowers More
Repayment Plans Could Cost Student Loan Borrowers More Repayment plans such as the Income-Driven program help alleviate the pressure for struggling borrowers trying to pay back their student loan debt. But several policy experts affirm that the … [Read more...] about Repayment Plans Could Cost Student Loan Borrowers More
Sallie Mae Overcharged Active-duty Soldiers on Student Loans
Sallie Mae Overcharged Active-duty Soldiers on Student Loans Investigators recently found strong evidence that Sallie Mae overcharged active-duty soldiers on student loans, according to insiders with probes into the student loan company. The … [Read more...] about Sallie Mae Overcharged Active-duty Soldiers on Student Loans
Student Loan Forgiveness Program for Nonprofit Workers
Student Loan Forgiveness Program for Nonprofit Workers Are you currently employed by a nonprofit organization? Then you may qualify for student loan forgiveness! We know that employee recruitment and retention is a barrier that many nonprofit … [Read more...] about Student Loan Forgiveness Program for Nonprofit Workers
U.S. Education Department Profits from Student Loan Debt
U.S. Education Department Profits from Student Loan Debt The Department of Education is turning in a large profit and forecasts making around $127 billion from federal student loan borrowers over the next 10 years. The Education Department … [Read more...] about U.S. Education Department Profits from Student Loan Debt
5 Student Loan Myths
5 Student Loan Myths Are you overwhelmed by your high student loan payments? Do you constantly worry about being able to afford your monthly payments? Are you angry and frustrated about the fact that your student loan payments are too high and yet … [Read more...] about 5 Student Loan Myths