Loan Co-signers Beware Adulthood life often starts with having more financial obligations and responsibilities. One can say it begins when you finally move out of your parents house and start paying your own bills. But for that to happen in this day … [Read more...] about Loan Co-signers Beware
US Student Loan Center
Student Loan Interest Rates Are Going Up
Student Loan Interest Rates Are Going Up Get Ready, Set, GO! Student loan interest rates are going up! At least according to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. CFPB Student Loan Ombudsman Rohit Chopra published an explanation on what to … [Read more...] about Student Loan Interest Rates Are Going Up
Sallie Mae Splitting Into Two Companies
Sallie Mae Splitting Into Two Companies Sallie Mae, the student loan monster, has announced that it will be splitting into two this week. It will split into a loan servicer and a consumer bank, in order to gain a clearer profile for … [Read more...] about Sallie Mae Splitting Into Two Companies
Student Loan Forgiveness has a Price
Student Loan Forgiveness has a Price Struggling with Debt? Get Loan Forgiveness! Well, that sounds fantastic...SIGN ME UP! Not so fast! what if that forgiveness is not free? We have heard a lot of great things and a lot of bad things about the … [Read more...] about Student Loan Forgiveness has a Price
Automatic Default on Student Loans
These days millions of people find themselves taking out student loans in order to pay for the high cost of college. However, many young adults and recent high school graduates are not able to obtain a loan on their own so they rely on a parent or … [Read more...] about Automatic Default on Student Loans
Issues With Student Loan Forgiveness Programs
Issues With Student Loan Forgiveness Programs Student borrowers frequently don’t understand their repayment options, and current policies can create bad incentives. If you currently have student loans, chances are that you wish you could make … [Read more...] about Issues With Student Loan Forgiveness Programs