Are you having problems paying your student loans? It might be comforting to know that you're not alone. What's not so comforting? The fact that it's probably not your fault that you aren't able to keep up with your payments. The Consumer … [Read more...] about Student Borrowers Being Illegally Refused Help From Servicers
US Student Loan Center
How Student Loan Debt Can Help You Purchase A House
The cost of tuition is rising as the number of people with massive student debt totals is also increasing. So it's not shocking to see that the home ownership rate has started decreasing. This shouldn’t come as much of a surprise. People who have … [Read more...] about How Student Loan Debt Can Help You Purchase A House
Student Loan Borrowers Have Racked Up $125 Million In Interest
You may have heard of a thing called “loan rehabilitation.” Usually, we associate rehab with drug abuse or other traumatic situations, but there is a rehabilitation program for taking out college loans. Debt can certainly be traumatic. But even more … [Read more...] about Student Loan Borrowers Have Racked Up $125 Million In Interest
New Bill To Forgive Student Loans After Death
The New Jersey senate has unanimously voted to approve a bill that will require the student loan agency for the state to forgive any student loan debt that a person has should they become permanently disabled or die. How it used to work in the … [Read more...] about New Bill To Forgive Student Loans After Death
Should I Defer My Student Loans?
There are several reasons as to why somebody may be unable to meet the repayments on their student loans. If you're one of those people, you may be wondering, "Should I defer my student loans?" It is important to note that deferment is not right for … [Read more...] about Should I Defer My Student Loans?
Why Student Loan Borrowers Are Doomed To Default
According to Market Watch, some of the most vulnerable student loan borrowers have been set up to fail. This is based on new information released by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau which discovered over 220,000 people who have defaulted on … [Read more...] about Why Student Loan Borrowers Are Doomed To Default