Ahh… Delaying the inevitable through student loan deferment. Starting an article like this with a question like, “Why defer your student loans,” would be a stupid thing to do. You would rightfully reply, "Because I’m having financial difficulty, … [Read more...] about What is a Student Loan Deferment?
US Student Loan Center
Obama Student Loan Forgiveness | What’s Going to Happen Next?
The Obama student loan forgiveness left a considerable positive impact on borrowers. However, since Trump's election, the program has been the target of many discussions, prompting revisions at best and elimination at worst. Changes that could … [Read more...] about Obama Student Loan Forgiveness | What’s Going to Happen Next?
Is Student Loan Repayment Tax Deductible?
Is student loan repayment tax deductible? Whether this is the first time you've asked that question or not, it is beneficial to know the details about such deductions. Borrowers can even get a special student loan tax credit if they fall within … [Read more...] about Is Student Loan Repayment Tax Deductible?
Student Loan Forgiveness for Military
Student Loan Forgiveness for Military personnel is praised by many. Because it is only right that those who risk their lives to serve the country have this kind of benefit. There are many ways to obtain student loan forgiveness upon joining the … [Read more...] about Student Loan Forgiveness for Military
New Student Loan Forgiveness Rules Are Intended to Protect Borrowers
Betsy DeVos has a number of reasons for writing new student loan forgiveness rules. If these revisions push through, student loan forgiveness programs will see changes that might polarize students and colleges. Student loan help has always been … [Read more...] about New Student Loan Forgiveness Rules Are Intended to Protect Borrowers
How to Determine Your Credit Score
How to determine your credit score is an important question to ask when you're planning on applying for a student loan. If you're wondering how long it takes to go from bad credit to good credit (on a scale of 300 to 850), then there are different … [Read more...] about How to Determine Your Credit Score