Requesting a forbearance with NELNET?
We have listed some steps and instructions to facilitate the process of requesting a forbearance with NELNET.
If you have any questions please contact us at 877-433-7501. We are here to help you!
Step 1
Download NELNET Forbearance Request Form
Click here to download the Nelnet forbearance form.
Step 2
Check off all the options in red on the forbearance request form
Check this box
> Hardship (eligible to receive up to 12 months per forbearance request):
I am willing but unable to make payments on my student loan(s) due to poor health or a temporary financial hardship. I am requesting this hardship forbearance because:
I prefer a shorter forbearance period ending (state the month / year you wish the forbearance to end): (Date here)
(If the date indicated requires more than 12 months of forbearance, the forbearance will be granted for 12 months.)
Step 3
Mail Completed Form to:
Attn: Enrollment Processing
P.O. Box 82565
Lincoln, NE 68501-2565

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